Friday 28 October 2016

Assignment 1- video installation theory

Video Installation Theory

What is video installation?
Video Installation is a contemporary art form that combines both installation art and video technology. The express video installation by using the surrounding areas as surfaces for the art videos they have made. This then triggers people to watch what is happening and it creates a big audience.

What is video mapping?
Video mapping which is also known as projection mapping or spatial augmented reality. Projection mapping is used to turn usually irregular objects into a surface to display video projection. Sometimes the objects can even be landscapes such as indoor objects, large building's or even theatrical stages.

Worlds largest video game played on side of building-

This video was screened on the side of a popular building in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2013. The building was also on one of the busy avenues in Brazil. This attracted a bunch of intrigued strangers who wanted to play the game. The video installation was made up of a bunch of popular old 90's games and you could choose what one you wanted to play. 
They decided to pan the game up the side of the building to encourage Brazil's hard working, stressed out community to take a break and have fun. 90's games where chosen because more people recognise these games and which means more people where more likely to stop in the street and play the game. 
An international group of digital artists programmed it onto a building and turned it into an over-sized 32,292 square feet video game. The people who did it are called NTD Television. People reacted amazingly and stood in lines to wait and play the game and if they didn't want to play the game the public would video whats happening or take photos. Everyone was mesmerised by the LED lights moving around a popular building on what they thought was going to be a normal day. They loved it. A student called Pedro Goas said "It was really cool. It was a little frightening actually.". The company who did this said that the public where so impressed that they will most likely be doing this again. The company used large LED lights and projected them onto a building with a projector. They took advantage of the square shaped windows and put the game cubes on them.Also an iPad was connected up to the projector so then you can play it on a smaller scale or be able to play it better.  That's how people played the game on the building. NTD Television this game because they just wanted the streets of Brazil have some time to relax and have fun with an old family game that 99% of people know.

Here's some websites you can use to find NTD Television:  (official website)


The box is a video mapping video where patterns are shown on a screen. The box is a form of video mapping  and they also use a bit of video installation too. 'box' is a ground breaking piece of work. No-one has seen anything like this before. The creators wanted to apply projection mapping to moving objects because they have never seen anyone do that before. The story behind this is about the principles of magic for example they where inspired by a coin, a dove, a table cloth and a few more (in total they use 5). All of these where referenced and put into the visual illusion of the box. Transformation was the first illusion they used which consisted of one of the two canvases transforming and changing its structure then it gradually eased into levitation which is when they used both canvases and they both levitate and have 'objects' flow from one canvas to the other in a smooth, one shot motion. Intersection was the third motion which is when they put the canvases together to see how they can create depth and volume with some graphic shapes. Teleportation was next which is when they used digital graphic shapes to teleport from one side of the stage to the other using the mapping on the canvases. With escape they actually wanted to get involved them selves so one of the men who helped create 'Box' walked towards the canvases and got 'abducted'. They mainly wanted the film to come across as one seamless experience.
On set the equipment they used to help make 'Box' was two large industrial robots each holding a large 4 by 8 foot canvas. They also got professional animators to control the robots to give that 'seamless' look. They called it BD move.  They would have most likely used the video mapping software vpt7 which is very popular in that field of work. The Box was created by Bot and Dolly.

Here is the behind the scenes of  Box-

Les Mecaniques Discursives-

This installation video would have been made if Fred Penelle (the writer) and Yannick Jacquet aka Legoman (the video artist). Video projection was used to create this which means they most likely created the projections with a projection mapping software like Resolume Arena 4, Milumin, MadMapper, etc. They will probably have multiple projectors with different animations on them so then they can give off a better/ more realistic illusion. Some animations will be still and others will move. ANTIVJ are a company that are known for great projection mapping they make things appear  3D and they do many other things too.

My Opinion-
Personally, I prefer Box because it looks more professionally made and they used an actual person in it which I think is different to the usual/ regular installation you see. I find it to be more visually aesthetic and very pleasing to listen too which is also very important to other people/ the audience because if they do not enjoy the way it looks or sounds then they will not want to share it with others or watch it again. When I looked at the comments on their YouTube channel they are all positive and 99% of them seem to be confused on how they did it which is good because that means the illusion they where trying to give worked. People even said they have not seen anything better than this and one commenter said "I would pay 20$ per ticket just to see this as a live show."

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